Saturday, November 24, 2012

Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes


Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes are a favorite memory of mine…hearkening back to the long-lost days of elementary school, when my mother would make them to bring to my class for my birthday. I had an August birthday, and so my mother would always arrange things with my teachers so that I could bring cupcakes in during the last week of school. In celebration of summertime, the Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes were always a delightful surprise!


Enough Cake Batter for 12 cupcakes (your favorite brand or from scratch!)

12 flat bottomed sugar Ice Cream Cones




1) Mix batter

2) Preheat oven to 350 degrees F

3) Set sugar cones in cupcake pan

4) Divide Batter Evenly between cones

5) Bake 20-25 minutes

6) Cool

7) Ice the tops to look like ice cream

8) Apply sprinkles

9) Enjoy!


The cupcake pan keeps the cones from wobbling while they bake!


I overfilled my cones a tad, there was a little overflow. To remedy this, fill the cones only to the first line.



I kept mine standing up in a foil lined pie pan until party time!



What a scrumptious little cone!



They are even tastier than they look ^_^


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